A week to request support and give it back to others. Jupiter is working with Libra on Monday and instills thoughts of aiming high. Relationships are stabilizing this week as Venus moves into Virgo and connects with Pluto in Capricorn.
Monday is the perfect day to learn about who you are. Jupiter is in your sign and loves to make you think. Connect with others and be truthful and authentic. Who you are will get you what you want. Be real; take off your false smile. You can get in touch with creative pastimes this week. Dance, sing, and express your style. Watch as the world goes by and unfolds boundless magic for you. Jupiter is moving around and this energy is lucky and magical.
On Tuesday Pluto trines to Venus and Virgo wants to serve. It is almost a compulsion to do for your loved ones. Take care of those who are special to you. Take them to dinner or movies or just have conversations. Out with your old habits and in with new and better habits. New depth is being dug in your soul and issues are becoming clear. Your relationships are healthy; what a blessing!
Wednesday is a day of creation. Mercury is in the house and communication is the key. You will see through the eyes of Scorpio what you must say. There isn't time for anything silly; you need to reach out and grab opportunity. You know you can do anything you set your mind to. Let your superiors at work know you will be up for the ripe assignments. You will curse yourself if you let this opportunity go by.
Saturn also loves Neptune on Wednesday. You are going to be truly inspired Wednesday. Neptune is the part of all of the signs that senses what is beyond the borders. Neptune give incredible dreams and urges you to write down you wishes. Saturn will take you through the business of fulfilling your dreams. Take advantage of Saturn. Believe deeply in your power to do. You can do what you desire to do if you have courage and persistence.
Keep sunshine and love in your life. Relax when you are weary and dance when you are energetic. The more time you feel good the more time you will have to be happy. Be happy and it will happen.
Comments: This week in astrology: October 7 -14, 2012