Yearly Horoscope 2018

Yearly Horoscope 2018

2018 Horoscope the Year of the Dog

In 2018, earthlings will be ruled by the Dog, whose nature includes humaneness, kindness, and a tendency to be demanding towards her fosterlings. While the world is under the authority of such a strict and stubborn mistress, each individual person will have to maintain control of their own behavior. The dog will not tolerate craftiness or lies (dishonesty will be punished severely). However, the mistress of 2018 will readily support anyone who is willing to fight honestly for success, and she will give a whole host of opportunities to such people. The Dog is an unusually peace-loving and humane creature. These qualities will set the basis for the most important trends of 2018. Our planet will have far fewer armed conflicts and wars. The Dog will force the fiercest enemies to make peace with each other, not only on the international scale, but also on the individual scale. Under conditions where literally everything is resolved in a peaceful manner, it will be a lot more comfortable to live and work than it was, say, a year ago. The tranquility and emotional comfort of 2018 will encourage many people to take on creative hobbies, work which is aimed at self-development, as well as a rethinking of their life ideals. Under the influence of the Dog, who is a stranger to pathos, many of us will renounce the desire for luxury, learning to find positivity in simple human joys (including loyal friendship). It couldn't be any other way - it's not without reason that the Dog symbolizes faithful friendship. In 2018, another significant trait will be discernible - a tendency towards collective activity. As a result, during the period of the Dog's rule, many creative alliances, business partnerships and other similar collaborations will be organized. The Dog is sincerely pleased if everyone has a home, a bed, and the opportunity to provide themselves with a dignified existence. In 2018, many new jobs will appear, which means that, thanks to the Dog, many people will have a chance to escape from unemployment. People who decide to change their professional role completely right now by giving up their low-paying and the unpromising job will also have good luck. The Dog appreciates honest people, which means that every opportunity to succeed in 2018 will be based exclusively on a high level of integrity. People who are accustomed to succeeding by standing on the heads of their competitors or colleagues will be punished in the next few months. The Dog will force them to profoundly rethink their attitude towards life, and to learn independence. The mistress of this year will also be quite strict towards everyone who tries to acquire prosperity through risky deals. In 2018, risks are unlikely to have the necessary effect, and everyone who tries knowingly to invest their capital in a risky venture should keep this in mind. Only honest labor, carried out to the finest details, will be welcomed in every way by the Dog. The spheres of activity which will be most in demand will be the production of industrial goods and products and the sphere of education, science and teaching. Those who turn their gazes to the ground, realizing that agriculture and livestock farming have not lost their relevance, will not be mistaken either. While the Dog has mastery over the world, our planet will have many new private farmers. Some farmers who are just beginning will go so far as to organize a whole community of people who are united by shared goals. The Dog will support and condone collective work, and so if you want, you could earn quite a decent sum. Another matter is that the mistress of 2018 will disapprove of anyone who is inclined to splurge. Everything which is achieved through hard effort should be deposited in a special bank account, or invested in your own business. In this case the profit will continue to grow, giving you hope for a stable, comfortable tomorrow. The Dog is a monogamous creature, and she requires this from all of her fosterlings. By creating a strong family environment, you will protect it, and stop any third party from invading your life. Traitors and liars will be punished cruelly by the Dog (she will doom them to long-lasting isolation). In contrast, couples who live in harmony, with loyalty and mutual passion, will be showered with all kinds of good things. Many children will be born in 2018, conceived in love and vested with superb health. At this stage many people will manage to escape loneliness. In order to encounter love, you first need to open up to this world. This doesn't mean you need to visit all the hot spots inhabited by all the frivolous members of the opposite sex, this means something more profound. Travel around, changing your location as often as possible, getting to know lots of new people, and gaining fresh experiences. The Dog will give all the representatives of the Zodiac circle the opportunity to encounter love, and this love will be surprisingly passionate.

The Chinese New Year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog

2018 is also the year of the Earth Dog according to Chinese astrology. Dog has traditionally been associated with rising up with the dawn and being out- and- about and this indicates why hard work and discipline will be the key to success in the year of the Earth Dog. Dog years are governed by the fire element which will create tension and imbalance due to conflict with Metal Earth is the main element of the Dog. Yin (feminine) energy predominates this new cycle.

Yin years favour maintaining privacy in personal and business matters and spending time quietly with close friends and family. Dog years are great for building the virtues of good judgement, sense of righteousness and patience. New insights can be gained in the areas of public administration and business by those who endeavour to cultivate the virtues that the Dog holds dear. Risky ventures and impulsive investments should ideally be avoided this year. The political climate is likely to be unstable and any haste in business matters can result in failure. You'll be greeted by success if you persevere and strive to remain honest and organised to reach solutions to problems this year.

The year of the Fire rooster brings warmth in relationships and is generally a good year for new romance and weddings. This new cycle from February 16th, 2018 to 5th February, 2019 can be a productive and rewarding time for the Chinese sign of Rat, Ox (Buffalo), Snake, Goat, and Rooster. It is likely to be a moderate year for the Chinese sign of Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse and Pig. However, the Chinese sign of Dog and Tiger need to be a little extra careful in most aspects this year.

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