Tiger Ram

Tiger and Ram Compatibility Horoscope

Tiger 💝 Ram Compatibility

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope

Tiger and Ram Compatibility Horoscope

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope for Combination of Tiger and Ram Zodiac Signs.

Tiger Years of Birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Ram Years of Birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Some people believe that all love is destiny. The truth is, even the most compatible of matches still require effort by both parties to be successful in the long term. The Chinese zodiac signs will tell you all you need to know about yourself and your partner in order to avoid relationship problems. Check your Chinese horoscope to know what the future has in store for your marriage.

If you are a Tiger, you are incredibly powerful. You do everything at top speed. You love romance, and you usually have your pick of women because you have an air about you that many people find irresistible. In fact, you usually have so many admirers that you're not sure why you should restrict yourself to just one person. You thrive on drama and excitement always seems to find you. You are usually at the center of some controversy, and you love it that way.

You are charged up all the time, and other people may feel as though they are being dragged by a whirlwind when you are around. You need a mate who can keep up with your pace, or at the very least embraces you for the hard to pin down soul that you are. You love to fight for the underdog, so you don't mind being in a relationship with a calmer soul. In fact, you love not having to compete for the spotlight.

You need devotion and support from your partner during those times when everything seems too much for you.

Rams are the gentlest people in the Chinese zodiac. They don't want to be pushed or rushed, and need to operate on their own schedule. They are very emotionally supportive, and their ability to sense the emotions of others is uncanny. You would appreciate a Ram during those times when you are down and need someone absolutely sympathetic to help restore your normal confidence and fire.

Rams are not good with money at all. Since you spend quite a bit yourself, you are likely to have constant money problems if the two of you try to have a relationship. Also, the Ram's calm, laid back lifestyle will irritate you and leave you pacing as though you are trapped in a cage. You are addicted to drama, and the Ram is the opposite of excitement.

The Ram will probably get on your nerves when you realize that she doesn't like hard work or excitement. Although she won't complain, she will find your lifestyle stressful and trying. You will be continually frustrated as she finds excuses not to work or keep up the house, because she prefers to decorate and hone her artistic talents only when the mood strikes her. To you, a Ram's quiet goals will seem boring, and to her, it will seem as though you expend an awful lot of energy unnecessarily. A Ram is a wonderful friend for you, but not the best mate.

Compatibility of Tiger Ram couple Tiger Ram Compatibility Horoscope

Comments: Tiger Ram Compatibility Horoscope

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Adil 2015-02-04 01:04:41
What attracted to me to her was her artistic talents. Tigers are quite lazy themselves - yes they like to do stuff but not in the same way twice. Most people say that machines are invented mostly with tiger money's.

Overall, it is exciting relationship. Goat does surprises tiger an this alone is good enough for relationship to comtinue. What I didn't like about her was inability to differentiate friends vs lover - probably cat is better match for her despite her confusing it as friendship. I walked away because whatever bw us was known to her "friend" but not other way around. I felt like I was coming bw them. It was no breakup. I just found another job and let distance take its toll naturally. They are sensitive and that is another good thing you can find to continue.

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