Leo Libra

Leo Libra Compatibility Horoscope

Leo 💖 Libra Compatibility

Love Compatibility Horoscope

Leo and Libra Compatibility Horoscope

The compatibility horoscope of this couple graciously agrees that Leo man and Libra woman are simply made for each other. This is not surprising: the same interests and motivations in life are the foundation on which to develop a strong and harmonious relationship.

Leo man and Libra woman perfectly complement each other and have the same hobbies and interests. They love luxury, vibrant ball dances, art, and theater. They frequently and effectively appear in public, like two stars that have suddenly fallen from the sky. These zodiac signs have the power of two interacting guardians - Air and Fire, which allows them to easily find a point of contact for each other, and easily get ready for interaction.

Woman of zodiac sign Libra knows how to make sweet compliments, which undoubtedly flatters Leo man's self-esteem. She is very well kept, has her own style and opinion, but rarely highlights them in a relationship with Leo man. Sometimes the Virgo woman can be authoritative, and make remarks to the Leo man, but he knows that she does not seek leadership and just wants the truth. Leo man genially agrees with her, not trying to engage in a conflict with her or respond with aggression - in this lies Leo's magnanimity.

Leo man is always holding his own because he is convinced that this holy and honorable mission to command the parade is placed only on him. But Leo does not know that the soft, mellifluous compliments of his Libra woman, made with musical and quiet voice, control him, and therefore allow his woman to get more from him than he from her through orders.

Libra woman is called 'a strong fist in a velvet glove'. Be assured - she will not give up her superiority, let it even be a secret one the more so that after marriage, Leo man is more relaxed than when he is single. This means that the wife can control Leo man easier than she can do as a girlfriend before marriage.

By and large, Leo needs dominion, which he will zealously guard, and a reliable person - his beloved woman, who would wait for him every evening at home and worry about him. So in the eyes of The Leo man, own significance rises, in the family, he is the king, and he now does not border what height of prestige he has won outside the home.

It will not be boring with Leo because this zodiac sign is full of emotion. Emotions arouse passion, and passion is the basis of a strong marriage. Libra woman cannot predict when he will explode, and when he will answer only with a good-natured nod. The woman should always remember that even Leo's aggression is not directed to her, but serves only to mark Leo's significance.

Leo & Libra Compatibility Leo Libra Compatibility Horoscope

Comments: Leo Libra Compatibility Horoscope

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Libra 2018-01-30 07:47:43
I had a leo man chasing me for about a significant period of time.All i did was ignoring him because i thought that im too young to start relationship. I ignored him for about 8 years but he never stopped trying to get my hand. So recently, he started texting me i did not know he found my number. Anyway to my surprise, for the first time i felt that im loved by him more than i deserve so i gave him a chance after all thses years. I did not know why he was so drawn to me because beleive me i have spoken only 6 words throught these 8 years and i havent seen him with my eyes from about 6 years. But i love him. These leo traits are correct he needs to feel that he is loved i mean he wants to hear that i love him, while im thinking that love shouldnt be superficial or shouldnt be said all the time becuase i think it makes it more simple or takes the depth that love has. But now accostomed to it and know how to make him happy. All i want is to be his wife. Bit i still have one problem. That is, im Buddhist and my leo is Catholic. Im not ready to give up this relationship for the sake of a religion but im afraid of how things will work out. I'm busy thinking about waht decision to take though i dont know how to. I want to balance evrything i want my religion and my leo. Both. Hope everything will be okay.
Celestelibra 2016-11-03 18:44:43
I am a Libra woman with a leo man. We have been together for almost a year now. In the beginning we were both very attracted to eachother. We decided to start living together and things were hard the first few months. A lot of fighting and disagreements. There was a point that I moved back home for a week and thought it might be over.
We decided to forgive eachother and go on a 10 day trip. It was honestly the best thing that had ever happened to us. We were forced to not argue and let things go instead of fight about them.
Our relationship is beautiful and we are best friends and lovers. I can stair into his eyes in a crowed subway and feel like it's just us. He understands my anxiety now instead of getting annoyed by it. We laugh about things we would normally fight about, and he is always trying to please me in every way possible, and I do the same with him. I think the reason with this pairing is so hard in the beginning, is because you both are so much alike. You both don't like being alone so you spend all your time together and this can be hard to the relationship getting use to someone's weird habits.
The best advice I can give is to pull through it. I've lost most of my family and I felt like I couldn't hear them speaking to me through sign or dreams. I started getting signs more then five times a day, starting the first day I met Michael. We are both aboriginal from the same band and we met with no mutual friends in a crowed city. Now when I'm alone more then three times I've seen two hawks alone in the sky flying side by side. I can't wait to have this man's children.
When times are hard in this pairing work through it and try to understand each other's a likeness and differences you won't regret it.
babyface 2016-06-22 21:50:16
i recently started talking to a leo man and he is just too laid back and act like he does not care about us talking or anything.He calls and text when he wants to and that is hardly never..I really do like him and want it to work but i feel like i am chasing him and that is really bothering me.. I really want advice on what i should do i really dont want to let him go but i am seeing no other way.. Can somebody please help me
theDream 2023-11-21 02:02:00
Leo and Libra compatibility can be a delightful combination, as both signs appreciate beauty, charm, and social connections. However, every individual is unique, and there may be variations within a zodiac sign. In your particular case, it seems that you are experiencing some challenges with the Leo man you are talking to.

It's important to note that communication styles and priorities can differ among individuals. Leo individuals often enjoy being the center of attention and may have a more laid-back approach to relationships, while Libras tend to value communication and harmonious connections. However, this doesn't mean that all Leo men will exhibit the same behavior.

In your situation, if you feel like you are chasing him and there is an imbalance in the level of effort invested in the relationship, it's essential to consider your own needs and boundaries. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do:

1. Open Communication: Express your feelings and concerns to the Leo man. Explain how his laid-back behavior and inconsistent communication make you feel and how it can create a sense of imbalance in the relationship. Honest and open communication is crucial for resolving any misunderstandings and finding a common ground.

2. Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries and expectations in terms of communication and effort in the relationship. Let him know what you need in terms of attention and consistency. It's important to ensure that your needs are acknowledged and respected.

3. Observe his Effort: Pay attention to his actions and effort towards the relationship, rather than just his words. Actions often speak louder than words, so if he consistently makes you feel neglected or distant, it may be a sign that his priorities or interest level may not align with yours.

4. Self-Reflection: Assess whether the current situation aligns with your own values and expectations. Consider if you are willing to accept the current level of effort and communication from him or if it is causing you more unhappiness and distress in the long run.

Ultimately, you deserve to be in a relationship where your needs are met and where there is a healthy balance of effort and communication. Relationships require both partners to actively invest in building a connection. If you have communicated your concerns and needs, and you do not see any significant changes or effort from his side, it may be worth reevaluating whether this relationship is meeting your needs and if it is worth pursuing.

Remember, you deserve to be with someone who values and appreciates you. It's essential to prioritize your own happiness and well-being.
Jesnne 2016-10-03 03:28:07
Hi, Leo men especially are not one to show their emotion, you have to play it cool. We libra woman need to feel adored and get that immediate attention from our partner. Unfortunately Leo men are so used to the opposite sex making the first moves, you may have to fall back to see if he's really interested. If he makes an effort, then you'll know, & if he doesn't, you won't feel as if you've wasted all of your efforts. Keep busy and try not to worry about whether he'll call.
Sunshine 2016-08-30 07:23:05
Leo's will open up if you are honest with your own feelings and emotions first. You have to prove to them that you think they are the "king of the hill"...they don't call Leo's royals for nothing. Very egotistical but let's face it, so are we Libras.
Moonopal 2016-06-16 00:24:33
I just recently met the man of my whole life he is 39 and I am 53. I was without a man for 3 years. He was very attracted to me a Libra woman. He touched me and I was really digging him. He had asked me to be his and I agreed. But,he now wants to take it very slow. Very protective over his children and want me to appear as friends in front of them. I sure hope he comes back to himself, all he keeps saying me that I am sexy. He and I have a strong attraction and he is keeping me at arms length right now. Like friends with benefits...idk
SweetLady 2016-06-02 21:16:01
I am A Libra woman and have Leo man we've dated for a year broke up and been back together for three months and I'm so in love. We seem attached nos he say I'm clingy, Im just affectionate, he also said I'm too soft, iI'm just lay back and calm until you tip my scale. He confuses me at times, I should I take this. He can try to dominate me and I will Allow it for a little while but then y can get very fisty when need to be. I will get so and cclose up and don't speak at all until he submits go me
Jacques 2016-05-24 03:16:22
I'm a 34-year old Leo man who just recently met and began dating the most incredible 28-year old Libra woman. I believe astrology to be, on the whole, a lot of nonsense, but I have to acknowledge that by virtue of its existence, there's obviously some merit, and almost everything I read about our traits is true (apart from me wanting to be in the so-called spotlight.) Anyway, to all of you, I wish the best of luck, as I hope you all wish me the same... We agreed to take this easy, take things slow, be sure and steady, but... I am compelled by a force greater than me to express these truths: She is exceptionally pretty, has the sweetest, kindest heart, a beguiling mind, and the most agreeable temperament imaginable, and, I am head-over-heels crazy about her. I want this to work. I want this to work like I've never wanted anything to work before. I want to make her happy. I want to show her that I can be trusted with her life, that I will never fail to support her, that I will be unequivocally faithful to her, entirely loyal to her, always cherish and appreciate her; that I can be depended upon and relied on, care about her and care for her with everything I am and love her limitlessly ?€“ like nobody she's yet met or ever shall ?€“ I want to be hers alone, beyond any question or doubt. Larissa, if by some minuscule chance you read this, I mean it. You have lit irrepressible flames in me and you have no idea how beautiful you really are, inside and out.
Terri 2016-11-14 21:51:15
Message from Jacques
I'm a 34-year old Leo man who just recently met and began dating the most incredible 28-year old Libra woman. I believe astrology to be, on the whole, a lot of nonsense, but I have to acknowledge that by virtue of its existence, there's obviously some merit, and almost everything I read about our traits is true (apart from me wanting to be in the so-called spotlight.) Anyway, to all of you, I wish the best of luck, as I hope you all wish me the same... We agreed to take this easy, take things slow, be sure and steady, but... I am compelled by a force greater than me to express these truths: She is exceptionally pretty, has the sweetest, kindest heart, a beguiling mind, and the most agreeable temperament imaginable, and, I am head-over-heels crazy about her. I want this to work. I want this to work like I've never wanted anything to work before. I want to make her happy. I want to show her that I can be trusted with her life, that I will never fail to support her, that I will be unequivocally faithful to her, entirely loyal to her, always cherish and appreciate her; that I can be depended upon and relied on, care about her and care for her with everything I am and love her limitlessly ?€“ like nobody she's yet met or ever shall ?€“ I want to be hers alone, beyond any question or doubt. Larissa, if by some minuscule chance you read this, I mean it. You have lit irrepressible flames in me and you have no idea how beautiful you really are, inside and out.

I am a 63 yr old libra woman who was married to a Leo man for 5 yrs-to this day I don't know why he couldn't do it anymore (he couldn't commit 100% to changing jobs & living in my beautiful home out of the area where worked-he was concerned about my welfare -he bought another house where his job was-didn't tell me for 6mos after.the fact-I lived with him for 4 yrs.only 1to feel like I had leprosy.
AFTER I cooked good meals, he'd go in the garage-total avoidance. He has ripped my heart out-has been my rock for 15 yrs, retired & moved out of state. It took him 6mos in a purchased home out of state & now involved with someone else-I gave him everything I had to give with a relationship & had my heart ripped out!! Have you ever been addicted to somebody? ? It has been extremely difficult getting thru all this-I do know his communication early on in the relationship was good but seemed to disappear as time went on.
I often wonder if he has skeletons in the closet with emotional & some kind of insecurity issues. Deep down I hope he comes back to the fork in the road. Some people do get back together & maybe being retired & free of work stresses may change him foe the better. I'm extremely hurt how a Leo man can do that to a very considerate & giving Libra woman.
Confused 2016-05-01 21:51:14
3rd paragraph mentions Virgo Woman. idk if it's a typo or what???
Amanda Michelle 2016-02-05 06:58:05
I found my perfect match! My Leo man is amazing and his queen I shall be!! For I will treat him as the King he is, and always hold him upon a pedestal!
MP 2015-08-18 15:05:02
To all the Libra girls out there: get yourself a mature Leo man. 😃 He'll treat you like his queen, his homie, his lover, and if you decide to raise a family together: he will be the firm and loving dad to your children. He needs a lot of ego stroking and affection, and I think the majority of the Libra women out there are more than capable to stroke this big cat's ego. With the Leo man I was in a relationship in, our communication flew like water from day one back in 2004 until now (we've decided to go our own way in 2013). If you like chivalry, romance, loyalty, deep meaningful conversations and endless laughter: find a Leo man. 😭 He definitely will win your heart with his wittyness and his strong passion for you. This is of course based on my own experiences with my Leo ex. No man or woman is the same, and I'm definitely not saying that astrology should be the drive in your life or how to live your life. I'm just saying, that, a Leo man and a Libra woman can definitely make a wonderful couple with real soulmate potential or they could even be twin flames. I had my fair share of disagrements and fights with my Leo ex, but because our communication level was high, we could always work it out and compromise our differences. On a side note: we were both in our early twenties when we met. I think it depends on the stages in one's life when two souls cross paths. I still got love for my ex, and I know for sure now, that, you'll always have some type of feeling for the one you've shared so much history with. So to all of you Librans & Lions out there: take care of each others heart, cause I truly believe (know) that this is one of the best astrology couples ever. 😉
Leixy 2015-06-15 00:50:00
I am a libra chineese rat lady and I have a leo chineese dragon man.we are so inlove and happy with each other we Thank God everyday. I love my Helder Fillip so much I want to crawl inside his body so I am with him always, and guess what we both feel exactly the same and it's only been 2 weeks
Sunshine 2015-05-29 16:54:03
I was with a Leo for eight years gave him my all he was a hoe have all kinda woman had baby's with one woman why the other leaving her husband and he never let go of the other baby Momas are ex girlfriends yes friends he says he don't have a woman so he can do as he please Leo he'll know and am a libra woman
Tliish 2016-08-26 06:53:37
An @sshole is an @sshole no matter the sign. Always demand respect! I am a Leo man and I always treat my lady respectfully!
darrion holjeson 2015-04-23 23:08:56
im falling for the most beautiful girl she is a libra im a leo we are only in highschool but i have strong feelings for her and hope she is around for the rest of my life

Yutorie 2015-04-19 20:22:27
I'm so happy that the guy I like is a leo and I'm a libra. Just checking if we are compatible and yeah thanks to this i'm happy!!
jensen k 2015-04-12 08:05:32
Wooow,onto ma trip met alibra,but just cnt stop thnkng about her ,crazy me
libra 2015-04-12 04:54:38
Okay, a leo man is inlove with me but I am more of a cautious libra. I don't just jump in but he is ready to marry me even when we're not together yet.. what will i do to stop him and make him take things slow? i feel his passion but is it really possible for him to love me that easily?
Q.Libra 2015-04-06 04:27:45
Hy im also a libra woman i am with a leo man from 2 years and its going great we will be soon married i got angaged to him this year and we are having fun 😭
joy 2015-02-23 19:13:04
exactly, i felt like a teenage girl who has a long time crush greeted for the very first time, his voice alone via phone, my body was shaken, my heart beat faster, without seeing him yet...there was a magic!!!
OctoberLibra 2015-01-30 11:09:50
Me and my Leo have been together for the past 11 months. FEELS LIKE YEARS! I was surprised and a bit afraid at first to the immediate chemistry we shared, shied away, but then realized that I COULD NOT stay away from my Man! 🙂
Peach 2015-01-30 06:07:08
I am a Leo and I just met a Libra man. It is exciting but different from what I am used to. We have been dating for a few months and although we are two very busy people, we always seem to make time for each other and have the best time when we are together. Conversation and chemistry are both on point. Can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Be it as friends or a couple. ;)
b 2015-01-23 15:22:40
my heart is broken left my leo 16 yrs ago , and now married recently all those feeling came back , thats life ...
libralove 2015-01-06 19:29:37
I am a Libra woman in a relationship with a Leo man. We have a unexplained connection. I very indecisive & he always steps up & make the decisions. Lol! Leo's Definitely have aggression/tempers but he keeps himself in check when it comes to me. He's always looking out for me. I'm ready to be his wife!
Suzy 2014-12-11 23:43:09
OMG Been dating a Leo man for 2 yrs now and we can't get enuff of each other,,,,he is one helluva lover and such a great man, big hearted and sooo good to me,,,we appreciete each other sooo much and the respect is totally perfect,,,,,I am so lucky to have found him,,,,he is truly one of a kind 🙂)
Over It 2016-04-25 02:54:11
Libra and Leo doesn't work for me
LovinLauri 2014-12-11 12:25:36
I have never been with a Leo and as a Libra, its surpasses the word "relationship"...Every single day is like the very first day. He walks into the room and my heart races...I see that smile then he consumes every ounce of oxygen I breathe...there's no one else who will ever love me the way that he does and I am simply smitten by his charm.Perfectly matched, total grace and beauty. Undying love and affection daily and so true that in his state of ruling the Jungle he is lion but never towards me...wow!
Nursekittyk73 2014-12-08 03:49:33
Wow isn't this the absolute truth! Recently with a Leo..... Talk about addiction to him!!! Crazy attraction. Almost uncontrollable!!!!

LoLaLibra 2014-12-06 15:30:29
Omg this is so true i just met a leo man, i'm a libra woman. And i'm so drawn to him like its almost scary that i cant get enough of him. I thought something was so weird about this connections, so i look up our signs together. I'm amazed on how accurate this is and the feeling like a teenager is so real. i hope this feeling neverends.
hismzlibra 2015-06-08 04:37:53
IMA Libra woman and I was with 2 Leo men they have so many ssimilarities they both are in deep love with me and I'm so attracted to them they are strong and treat me like a queen the sex is so beautiful it makes me get chills thinking about it but at the end of the day its not a healthy relationship with either one of them perfection with many flaws
Mikdee 2014-10-24 11:38:35
This is so true my husband and I dated for a few years and has been successfully married for 22 years. Very strong love,bond, yearning to be together at all times.
Secret to our love is to never let the Honeymoon end.
Ro. M. 2014-09-24 14:41:08
I am his 1st CRUSH...... He is my 1st CRUSH........ 😍
New girl 2014-08-16 13:24:35
Just met a Leo man, I'm a Libra, and our attraction iis like weare teenagers agin and can't get enough of each other.
breanna 2014-10-19 18:45:28
same here! i just met a leo man.. the feelings just the same.. teenagers to be exact.lol
najma 2014-07-09 11:20:34
same to me
my boyfriend is leo
and he is like the most interesting person
i ever met
LAWLIBRA 2014-06-07 03:40:31
This is really accurate, I am a libra and my husband's a leo. He is truly the "King" of the castle, jungle etc. He is extremely confident, authoritative and we definitely are a nice looking couple. I am constantly reminding him of who he is and what is he. He starts his "rant" and I calmly say "honey, I appreciate your feelings."

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