Dream Dictionary Dead birds

Dream Dictionary Dead birds


If you can remember the kind of Dead birds in a dream it will make interpretation much easier. However, if you cannot there are also some more general characteristics that all birds are known to represent which will have ample importance when applied to the interpretation of your dreams about birds.

If you have a dream in which you see dead birds, this generally symbolizes the death of your dreams. This does not mean the type of dreams that you have at night or the kinds of dreams that the bird just appeared in. This is the type of dream that refers to your future aspirations. Perhaps you have big thoughts about what you are going to do in your future. Maybe you have a set plan that you are working on which you plan on leading to success in the near future. There are many types of aspirations a person can have and these are just a few examples, but if there are any specific or even non-specific goals that you are shooting towards, it means that you are going to see those goals fail. It is also possible that you have already seen them die and the dream of the birds is just there to remind you of the horrible injustice you suffered. It is never a good thing to see your dreams go down the chute and it can lead to depression, but all you need to remember is that you can overcome this; the best thing about life is there will always be room for new dreams to be accomplished in the future.

Artistic depiction of Dream Dictionary Dead birds Dream Dictionary Dead birds

Comments: Dream Dictionary Dead birds

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Kaila 2020-01-01 01:31:46
My dream was a bird that was dead and head was ripped off and given to me from my ex husband. Weird I know. Anyone having advice on what this mightmean.
HeliosEos 2023-12-06 01:54:11
Here are a few symbolic elements in your dream and some common interpretations to consider:

1. Dead Bird: Birds in dreams are often associated with freedom and aspirations, as they have the ability to soar high in the sky. A dead bird could symbolize a sense of loss or a feeling that your hopes and dreams have been dashed or prevented from taking flight, perhaps due to the end of your marriage or the circumstances surrounding it.

2. Ripped-off Head: This graphic imagery could represent a feeling of disconnection from thoughts, intellect, or rationality. It may also suggest a violent separation or an abrupt end to something significant in your life.

3. Given by Ex-Husband: The fact that your ex-husband is the one presenting you with this image might indicate unresolved issues or feelings about the relationship or the way it ended. This element of the dream might point towards feelings of betrayal, anger, guilt, or grief you may be processing.

Dream interpretations are largely subjective, and the meaning of your dream can be influenced by many personal factors. It could be rooted in your emotions, recent events, or even daily stresses. To better understand the meaning of your dream, you could consider:

- The emotions you felt during the dream and upon waking up.
- Any recent situations that might have triggered memories or feelings about your past relationship.
- Your current feelings towards your ex-husband.
- Any ongoing challenges or changes in your life that could be leading to feelings of loss or endings.
ROSEMARY 2019-10-29 02:08:48
I dreamed of a dead black crow in a toilette. It cost me $6 to enter in that bathroom. The crow was in the toilette water and was covered with a plastic cover.
Ranjith 2019-10-26 11:07:35
I had a dream, I was sitting and talking to someone in front of a hut(don't know with whom) in some remote village inside a forest, which felt m very familiar with!. Then a small cute owl came to me, grabbed one of my finger with its fist as if it wanted to show me something. The owl was really small n cute about the size of my fist. I started following it and there was a small duck, similar size and struggling for life.. I picked it in my arms went searching for a vet. Later I found both dead and only Skelton remained.

Jay 2019-10-16 09:49:50
I had a dream I was outside of my house and and dead birds were EVERYWHERE as I was walking around to see what was going on men were filling them in plastic bags BIG garbage bags filled to the top and it was just crazy and weird .
Sarah 2019-05-08 14:24:36
I had dream I was in a house of some sort. There was a kitchen , don’t think I was the one cooking but there were pots and pans on the stove top bubbling away . There were many birds in the room near the stove . Some would fly to me and land on my arm. As my dream progressed I would notice less birds in the room . It went from approximately 20 birds slowly decreasing . By the time I noticed there were half the birds gone . Then, I noticed the birds looking like they were dieing . I then found a few in a pan dead , I assumed from the heat in the room being too hot ? Eventually there were no birds left .
Penny 2019-03-19 00:42:27
I have the same dream over and over for years. There are many bird cages full of birds. Almost all are dead and I'm trying to save the ones that are barely alive. I keep trying to clean a cage and transfer the barely alive ones to it but there are just so many dead ones. Always parakeets
Valarie 2019-01-11 13:19:48
I dreamt that as I am going to sleep my pet rooster (don’t really have one) lays and cuddle next to me like a cat or dog would (don’t have either). I have this sense of love and caring for this rooster. Then I there’s an aviary where I have different types of birds; doves, parakeets and other small birds. The aviary is warm but I use a cage someone gives me and as time passes in my dream my birds start dying or are dead. Not burning but as if the heat was that of an oven. I have a sense of worry and sadness.
Emily 2018-05-15 13:24:16
I had a dream where there was this smal path ( or I only remember a small bit of it) but anyway I was walking on this path where a bunch of black birds (I’m pretty sure crows) were dead and all around me. And me walking on the path where the dead birds where kept replaying over and over. Does anyone know what it could mean?
Brian 2019-05-16 10:17:41
I just had a very similar dream last night, Emily. I was in a golf cart on this dirt path at night. I couldn't see much to either side of it, but there were hundreds of black birds (their feathers looked slick black, like oil spill birds) and they were all dead in the middle of the path. I had to drive over them, because I had to get home. My wife was in the cart with me, and we were crying the whole time we were driving over the dead bodies. When we reached the end of the path (still covered in dead black birds) a large hunting cat, like a panther or mountain lion, came out of the woods and lunged at us. It had our dog in his mouth (like our actual dog) and I pried it out of his mouth while my wife opened the door at the end of the path. the door was to our bedroom, which is on the second floor of our house. I held the door shut while the large cat scratched at it from the other side, then my alarm woke me up. I think what's most unique about this dream is I experienced it EXACTLY one year after you had your dream!
Ashley 2018-01-20 01:51:59
I had a a dream of a dead bird in my mouth. It's claw was coming out of my nose. I could not take out the bird.
Mark 2017-04-10 11:29:24
I had a dream of a falcon sitting on the ground. Next to it were black crows a few of them dead. Some in garbage bags and some next to them. So.even were being eaten by vultures. The Falcon then took off flying up and to the left afrere looking me dead in the eyes.

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